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An astronomical image processing software


Classics Edition

The classic edition is obsoleted since version 0.5.3.

The classics edition of Munipack was a set of command-line utilities without a graphical user interface and an unified command line interface. One was developed at end of last century (1997 - 2000) and maintained up to 2008.

Munipack has been originally developed on base of P.B.Stetson's DAOPHOT II packaged in ESO Midas distribution. The classic version shares many great ideas of the original Daophot II and adds a lot of enhancements. The additional code contains photometry reduction, astrometry, image matching and combining utilities.

Current editions of Munipack had reimplemented all its functionality (and offers much more over) of the classic edition.


The classics edition is unmaintained and available only as the source
