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RPM binary builder

RPM based bundle binary builder (Fedora, openSUSE, Mandriva)

1 Introduction

This page describes how to build a RPM binary package for Munipack.

All steps has been verified on Fedora 20. Building on another distributions or releases may require some code adaptations.

It is supposed to run commands introduced by # as root

# id
uid=0(root) ..

and ones denoted by $ run as an ordinary user:

$ id
uid=12345(user) ...

2 Prerequisites

Following tools are required for the building:

Required tools could be installed by the command (valid for Fedora 17, modify to satisfy your needs):

# yum install gcc-gfortran gcc-c++ libgfortran-static libstdc++-static rpm-build gtk+ ImageMagick autoconfig automake gtk2-devel mercurial

A lot of dependencies will be requested. Imagemagic is installed by default. The lib...-static are added because ones are not included in devel packages directly.

3 Getting sources

Create a directory containing distribution packages in your home

$ mkdir ~/dist

and put latest sources (as .tar.gz or .tar.bz2) of following packages here:


4 Building

Create a working directory in your home and switch to it:

$ mkdir ~/tmp
$ cd ~/tmp

Extract the script for building:

~tmp/$ tar zxf ~/dist/munipack-0.5.5.tar.gz --strip-components=2  --wildcards '*/dist/'

and than run the build script:

~/tmp$ ./ ~/dist >& log

Building takes some time (~30 min), have a cup of tea.

Both ~/dist and ~/tmp directories are no more used and ones can be safety removed after building (don't forget to save the build package). Both directories can by placed anywhere.

5 Installing and removing

If your are lucky person and previous steps has been successful, the final RPM package should be found as ~/tmp/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/munipack-0.5.5-1.x86_64.rpm (the placement directory will different on i686 architecture, of course).

Now, Munipack should be installed simply as

# rpm -i munipack-0.5.5-1.x86_64.rpm

Note. The installer will require to satisfy dependency on dcraw.

Uninstalling is easy:

# rpm -e munipack