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The astronomical image processing software



This page describes offer to install of Munipack.



AppImage is a modern all-in-one bundle package executable under any Linux Distribution without need to installed.


Just download it, set the executable flag, adjust the link providing the command line interface, and run it:

  $ chmod +x Munipack-x86_64.AppImage
  $ ln -s Munipack-x86_64.AppImage munipack
  $ ./Munipack-x86_64.AppImage

The AppImage should to work on any recent Linux distribution; one is build under Debian oldstable, eg. aged two years or more.

Munipack in Debian and Ubuntu (and its derivatives)

Munipack logo

Munipack is available as an official package repository in Debian and Ubuntu since '17. Regular issues of (these) distributions are usually delayed behind Munipack releases itself.

The installation is straightforward by standard software tools. Packages can be found in appropriate repositories: Debian, Ubuntu. To install Munipack, just type the command in a terminal:

  $ sudo apt install munipack

Source code

Munipack is designed as multiplatform software; it can be compiled under many computer systems. The building from the source code is the most portable way. There is available the archive:


Development repository for Debian stable

debian icon

There is a bleeding edge branch of Munipack, which is primary intended for various testing purposes. The latest development packages are usually available only for the stable 64-bit Debian.

The repository can be activated by downloading of munipack.sources, and my (also available on Hockeypuck OpenPGP keyserver by my e-mail address) public GPG key. Put it in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/:

  $ wget -qO- | \
    sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/munipack.sources

  $ wget -qO- | \
    sudo tee -a /usr/share/keyrings/munipack-devel.gpg

The location of the GPG public key file must match Signed-By line in munipack.sources; the path /usr/share/keyrings is recommended by Debian wiki.

The GPG key must be refreshed regularly on a year base, the validity is limited to 13 months. If apt update reports, the key is expired, just refrest it by the last command.

The installation itself is straightforward:

# apt update
# apt install munipack

Be warned, the development release can contain various problems and errors, outdated documentation, etc. If needed, anything can be corrected in the source package. To rebuild the package, follow instructions described by Debian Administrator's Handbook.

See Also

Download, Versions and Guide.