An average bias frame of a set of bias frames.
munipack bias [..] file(s)
A bias frame is a zero-time exposure with no light. The exposure with the shortest possible exposure time provided by a device. One maps a pre-amplifier bias (offset) of readout electronics. This routine creates an average bias frame, sometimes named as a masterbias.
Because bias exposure times are really short (1/100s or less), it is recommended to acquire and average a lot of exposures (>10).
An output bias Bij is computed as the average of every pixel of input images (Ik)ij:
Bij = 〈 Ik 〉ij,
where i,j is an index of a pixel and k is an index of an image.
Both chip temperatures or exposure times are checked to be nearly the same during processing when FITS_KEY_TEMPERATURE and FITS_KEY_EXPTIME environment variables are set to values of corresponding quantities.
On input, a list of bias frames is expected.
On output, a single file representing of the mean bias frame is created. The file has STDERR extension with standard errors. Masked values (if parameter -bitmask is presented) are set to the frame mean.
Also see Common options A temperature and exposure time parameteres are set via Environment variables.
$ munipack bias -o bias.fits bias_*.fits
Light Curve Tutorial, Photometric corrections tutorial, Averaged dark frame.