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Artificial PSF format

This document describes the format of a point spread function (PSF) FITS file intended for simulation in Artificial sky tool (manual).


PSF is specified by a FITS file having one single primary image extension. The image data represent intensities in projected coordinates.


PSF is a two-dimensional array of real values. PSF is recommended to be normalised; the total intensity under the surface can be equal to one, which helps to keep the photometry information.

The extension should have included parameter ZOOM which maps PSF on a simulated image.

Processing follows the way:

  1. PSF centre is shifted to the centre of a star,
  2. PSF is pixelised. Final dimensions are in width: NAXIS1/ZOOM, and in height: NAXIS2/ZOOM,
  3. than PSF is directly copied on the right place of the simulated frame.


There are those limitations:

See Also

Artificial sky tool, manual.

artpsf.f08 does generate the template artpsf.lst of PSF file; run munipack fits --restore artpsf.lst to make FITS itself.